SOWK 6364 Decolonized Social Work Clinical Practice

The social work profession like all other professions Is the result of the extraction of resources and destruction and devaluing of indigenous peoples of North America. The effects and processes of the colonizing of North America cannot be reduced to historical contexts because what Is known has been created from the perspective of protecting and promoting the decedents of the dominant group. Destroying, devaluating and stealing indigenous people influence, knowledge, and history resulting in social work practice that often fails to meet the needs of native people, people of color, gender and sexual minorities, migrants and others who have been deconstructed into deviants. This course will examine social work practice, skills, knowledge, polices and the use of self to provide students with a more inclusive knowledge base. Students will learn the process of understanding the implications of local and regional people's views of their problems and to separate those truths from those that
