SOWK 6334 Racism, Oppression, Diversity and Privilege

The historical and contemporary oppression of people of color, gender and sexual minorities, women, and migrants through systemic racism will be examined to explain and understand social welfare problems and issues in the U.S. The social work value of dignity of people who historically and in the present are devalued, discriminated and held accountable for their own oppression will be examined to provide students with the theoretical, practice, policy and professional values and knowledge to support ethical and competent anti-racist social work practice. Privilege will be explored to extend how racism influences the devaluing of racial, ethnic minorities, gender and sexual minorities, and migrants that inform policies, laws and beliefs that support social welfare problems such as poverty and health disparities. This course will provide students with an intellectual space to reflect on their views and perceptions of racism, oppression, diversity and privilege in their preparation for et
