Honor Roll

Each semester students who have exhibited outstanding academic achievement will be honored. Students who have a semester grade point average (GPA) of 3.50 to 3.99 will be listed on the Dean's Honor Roll. Those students who have achieved a semester grade point average of 4.00 will be included on the President's Honor Roll. This honor will be noted on the student's academic transcript and may be publicized.

In addition to the grade point average requirement, candidates for the Dean's Honor Roll and the President's Honor Roll must meet the following criteria: (1) they must be seeking a first bachelor's degree only; and (2) they must have earned a minimum of 12 semester credit hours at U. T. Permian Basin. The last 12 semester credit hours of work for part-time students, is the basis for calculating the GPA for the Dean's and President's honor roll. If the last cumulative 12 semester credit hours must include a previous semester, all courses from the previous semester will be used in the calculation