Grading Policies

Grades at UT Permian Basin distinguish between levels of student achievement. They represent, in abbreviated form, the instructor's judgment of the student's academic performance. In addition, they provide a basis for certifying completion of all degree requirements. They may serve as predictors of future performance in graduate and professional study. The grades approved for use at UT Permian Basin are as follows:

A = Superior achievement

S = Satisfactory

B = High achievement

U = Unsatisfactory

C = Average achievement

I = Incomplete (not available for SPI courses)

D = Minimal achievement

Z = Acceptable progress (SPI only)

F = Failure to achieve minimal standard

PR = Work in Progress (masters thesis/project)

+ = High grade

W = Dropped class or withdrawal from the University

- = Low grade


Only grades of A, B, C, D, U and F are included in computing grade point average (GPA): A = 4; B = 3; C = 2; D = 1; F = 0; U = 0. Pluses and minuses are awarded at the instructor's discretion but are not computed in GPA. The grades of I, W, S, Z, and PR are not computed in GPA. The grade of U is calculated as an F grade. Grades of Q, QP, and QF were used to denote courses dropped, dropped/passing, and dropped/failing from 1973 through summer semester 1985. The grades of Q and QP were not computed in the GPA. The grade of QF calculated as an F grade.

Incomplete "I" Grade

An "I" grade or Incomplete grade is reported when students have not met all requirements of a course by the end of the semester and the instructor considers the allowance of additional time to complete course requirements. When reporting an "I" grade, the instructor must complete an 'Incomplete Report or contract specifying: (1) the deficiency or the additional work to be done; (2) the length of time allowed to complete the work (no later than the last class day of the subsequent semester, summer excluded); and (3) the grade that would have been earned "as is" at the time the course ended. If a grade of "I" is to be assigned to a student the incomplete contract requires both the signature of the student and the instructor. Failure to have this document completed and signed by the appropriate individuals will void the contract. In addition, a punitive grade of "F" will be assigned per administrative function of the Registrar (1) if an incomplete contract has no "as is" grade given and contract has expired; or (2) the Official time allotted for the contact has expired. If a student is in contract for a specific course, the student cannot register for the same course. If the contract has expired or the student has been assigned an administrative "F," then they will be allowed to register for the course.

Self-Paced Instructed Grade (Z Grade)

A "Z" grade is defined as a grade given to specific Self-paced Instructed courses. A grade of "Z" is reported when a student has not completed all necessary requirements to complete the course. The grade of "Z" is specifically given to SPI course types and should not be considered a normal grade to be given for any other type of course. A grade "Z" is non-punitive in considering a student's GPA and consequently will not affect the totaling of the student's GPA. A student who has received a grade of "Z" has the opportunity to re-register for the same course to complete the course. The "Z" grade is permanently kept on records in compliance with both federal and state requirements for an academic students record. If the student re-takes the course there will be no grade replacement. While the Z grade carries no penalty, a high number may reflect poor schedule management. Z grades remain part of the permanent student transcript.

Access to Grades

Students can view their semester grades, as well as their unofficial transcript, through their student portal. Final grades for classes may be viewed as soon as it is posted to the transcript, unless the student has a financial or disciplinary hold on their account. These type holds must be cleared before students have access to their grades.