Grade Appeal

A student who wishes to dispute an assigned grade should first submit a written appeal to the instructor and seek resolution via a conference either in person, by telephone, or virtually with the instructor.

The student should consult with the Student Rights Advocate and may consult with the advocate throughout the duration of the appeal process. The Student Rights Advocate is appointed by the Dean of Students:

  • If, within five (5) working days of the conference with the instructor, the student believes that the issue has not been addressed or disagrees with the outcome of conference, the student should initiate and register a formal written complaint through the University Complaint Resolution Portal. The written complaint will be routed to the relevant Department Chair or supervisor (if the instructor does not have a Chair or if the instructor is the Chair) who will schedule a conference either in person, by phone, or virtually with the student.
  • If, within ten (10) working days after the meeting with the Department Chair or supervisor, the student believes the grade appeal has not been addressed or disagrees with the outcome of the conference with the Department Chair or supervisor, the student should file a written appeal directly (not via the University Complaint Form Portal) with the appropriate academic Dean and seek an appointment either in person, by telephone, or virtually with them.

Upon receipt of the written appeal, the Dean will schedule a meeting in person, by telephone, or virtually with the student. Following the appointment with the student, the Dean will investigate the matter.  The Dean shall respond to the appeal within (10) working days of the meeting with the student unless an investigation requires additional time in which case the circumstances should be documented. The decision of the Dean shall be final.