Academic Probation and Dismissal

Students are placed on academic probation under three circumstances. First, some students are conditionally admitted. These students are placed on academic probation as a condition of admission. Second, students with 12 or more semester credit hours attempted and a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of lower than 2.0 will be placed on academic probation. Third, students re-admitted to the university following an academic dismissal are placed on academic probation. While on academic probation, the Dean of Undergraduate Success or his designee will develop a plan for the academic success of the student. Students on academic probation will be required to comply with the terms of this plan. A student will be released from academic probation when his or her cumulative grade point average rises to at least 2.0. In cases of extenuating circumstances, students may appeal their probation to the Dean of Undergraduate Success.

Students are academically dismissed from the University if, while on academic probation, they attempt courses during a semester and both the semester GPA and the cumulative GPA are lower than 2.0. A full Summer term will be treated as a regular fall or spring semester for these purposes. A student will also be academically dismissed from the University for failing to comply with the terms of academic probation.

  • The first academic dismissal is for five months;
  • A second academic dismissal is for twelve months;
  • A third academic dismissal is for thirty-six months;
  • A fourth and any subsequent dismissal is for a period of not less than thirty-six months.

To be readmitted after a dismissal, students must address a letter to the Dean of Undergraduate Success presenting evidence that they are likely to succeed in an academic program. Readmission requires approval by the Dean of Undergraduate Success, who will base their decision on the evidence that the student is likely to succeed in an academic program. Students should contact the Dean's office for full details on re-admission prior to sending their letter. In cases of extenuating circumstances, students may appeal their academic dismissal to the Dean of Undergraduate Success.