
Class attendance is required for those students taking developmental coursework (classes numbered 0398 and 0399), students enrolled in freshman level courses, international students, students receiving veteran's education benefits, and students receiving federal Title IV financial aid. In addition, some disciplines and many instructors have class attendance requirements. Students should consult with the individual instructors concerning class attendance requirements for the course.

The University may void the registration of a student who has not attended any classes or attended two or fewer days of classes on or before the twentieth class day. Faculty shall report to the Senior Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management or other designated University officials any student who is not attending classes as required above. The Office of Student Services shall seek to contact the student through their official campus contact information and permanent address information in the Registrar's records. If the student cannot be contacted or has only attended two or fewer days of classes on or before the twentieth class day the University may void the student's registration.

After receiving written notification from the Senior Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management or other designated official to void a student's registration, the Registrar will send a letter notifying the student of the University's action and appeals process under the Handbook of Operation Procedures, part five, section 2. If a registration is voided, tuition and fees will be refunded minus the matriculation fee and other non-refundable fees. Students should also be aware that the voiding of their registration may leave them with a financial liability to the University or Financial Aid Provider for financial aid paid to them for expenses other than tuition and fees. The Office of Financial Aid will send a student, whose registration is voided a notification of obligations owed.