Summary Description of Tuition and Fees












Set by Legislature and Board of Regents (Texas Education Code 54.0512 and 54.0513)

New Mexico Non Adjacent County



Set by Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (County not adjacent to Texas, per statutory requirement.)

New Mexico Adjacent County



Set by Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (County adjacent to Texas, per statutory requirement.)




Set by Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board per statutory requirement.

Online Program UG
 Resident/Non-Resident $219.22/sch

Set by Legislature and Board of Regents (Texas Education Code 54.0512 and 54.0513)




Set by Legislature and Board of Regents (Texas Education Code 54.0512 and 54.0513)








Set by Legislature and Board of Regents (Texas Education Code 54.0512 and 54.0513)

New Mexico Non Adjacent County



Set by Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (County not adjacent to Texas, per statutory requirement.)

New Mexico Adjacent County



Set by Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (County adjacent to Texas, per statutory requirement.)




Set by Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board per statutory requirement.

Online Program Grad

Set by Legislature and Board of Regents (Texas Education Code 54.0512 and 54.0513)




Set by Legislature and Board of Regents (Texas Education Code 54.0512 and 54.0513)

Required Fees:




Advising Fee

All Students


A non-refundable, compulsory fee to defray costs of student advising.

Athletic Fee

All Students


A fee to support the intercollegiate athletic program. All students who are not 100% online or whose living address is within a 50 mile radius of the campus will be charged this fee.

Technology Fee

All Students


A fee for support of student technology needs and applications.

Library Service Fee

All Students


A compulsory fee to fund direct services to students including on-line access to academic indexes and electronic library services.

Medical Services Fee

All Students


A compulsory fee to provide medical services for students at the contract facility with a $10 co-pay.




A non-refundable, one time, compulsory fee to defray orientation costs. This fee is NON REFUNDABLE


Transfer Students


A non-refundable, one time, compulsory fee to defray orientation costs. This fee is NON REFUNDABLE


Freshman Students


A non-refundable, one time, compulsory fee to defray orientation costs. This fee is NON REFUNDABLE

Student Service Fees

All Students


A compulsory fee to fund student services and operation and use of facilities and activities; governing board may set at a rate up to the statutory tuition for resident undergraduate students.  Maximum charge of $250 per student per term.

Student Multipurpose Center Fee

All Students


A fee to operate and maintain the Student Multi-Purpose Center.

Distance Education Fee

All Students


A fee assessed on a per course basis to operate and maintain online classroom functionality. Other fees may be waived.

Online Program Fee UG



A fee assessed to undergraduate students in the accelerated online program used to operate and maintain online classroom functionality. Other fees may be waived.

Online Program Fee Grad



A fee assessed to graduate students in the accelerated online program used to operate and maintain online classroom functionality. Other fees may be waived.

Incidental Fees




Audit Fee

Students desiring to Audit

$35/sch plus lab fees

To defray the costs incurred in scheduling non-credit participants in scheduling classes.

Student ID Fee

All Students

$10 per ID

To defray cost for the student identification card.

Add/Drop Fee


$5 per transaction

Fee for adding and/or dropping a class. Fee is charged beginning the first day the session begins

Graduation Fee


$25 UG /$50 GR

Fee to register for graduation. This fee is NON REFUNDABLE

In-Absentia Fee


$25 per semester

Fee to register for a course in-absentia

Three-peat enrollment



Fee charged in addition to mandatory tuition and fees for repeating a course for the third or more time.

Excess Undergraduate Credit Hour Fee



Fee charged in addition to mandatory tuition and fees for exceeding the 30/45 hour rule.

Late Registration Fee


$15 per semester

Fee to register for classes during the late registration period.

Parking Fee


$55 per year

Fee to obtain a student parking permit

Property Deposit

All Student


Deposit paid upon admittance as a student to cover any property damage. Refundable upon request after graduation or withdrawal if no damages are incurred.

Transcript Fee


$7 per transcript

Fee to obtain an official UT Permian Basin transcript

TK20 Subscription Fee



Fee paid by some College of Education Students to access the TK20.

Returned Payment Fee



Fee for a payment returned to UT Permian Basin by your bank

Credit/Debit Card Convenience Fee


2.25% per transaction

Fee to use a debit or credit card to make payment on a student account

Payment Plan Enrollment Fee



Fee to enroll in a payment plan

Payment Plan Late Fee



Fee for paying a payment plan installment after the due date


All Students


For specific services such as late registration, library fines, microfilming fees, bad check charges, application

Laboratory and Course Fees




Laboratory Fee

All Students


There are a variety of mandatory charges for certain laboratory courses; they may not be less than $1 per semester nor more than $30 per semester and must not exceed the cost of actual materials and supplies used by a student. Supplemental Fees

Course Fee

All Students


Charges in addition to regular tuition for students registered in art, architecture, drama, speech, or music where individual coaching or instruction is the usual method of instruction. Voluntary Fees


All Students


All students desiring the specific service may include such items as parking, yearbook, or locker.

Course Differential Fee



All students enrolled in a course for business, nursing, and/or engineering.


Business Courses


All students enrolled in a course for business.




All students enrolled in a course for engineering.




All students enrolled in a course for nursing.

List of Other Fees

  • Education Learning Theory and Assessment Course Fee. To defray costs of a diagnostic test kit, a $25 fee will be charged.
  • Education Practicum: Reading Course Fee. To defray costs of a diagnostic test kit, a $25 fee will be charged.
  • Education Reading Diagnostic/Remediation Course Fee. To defray costs of diagnostic tests, a $25 fee will be charged.
  • Education Student Teaching Course Fee. Students enrolled in Student Teaching, Education 4099 and Education 4399, are assessed a $65 fee to defray the costs of providing cooperating teachers for supervision of student teachers.
  • Geology Field Course Fee. A $650 fee will be charged for the GEOL 4600 Field Geology course.
  • Health Insurance Fee. International students holding non immigrant visas and living in the United States will be assessed a fee to defray costs of mandatory insurance. The rate will be variable to match the premium for the approved UT System student insurance plan.
  • Library Fines. The following fees are to cover library operational costs associated with the processing, storage and purchase of lost or damaged books or books returned after the due date and with search, copy, and interlibrary loans. To cover library costs for the purchase of equipment, furniture and technology dealing with library resource management and costs of other library operations. The late fee and processing fee are non refundable.
  • Lost Book. Replacement cost plus processing fee.
  • Overdue Charges. General Check Out $0.25/day/item. Interlibrary Loan $1/day on overdue materials. Recalled Book $1/day. Reserve Books $0.25/hour. Video, non print media $1/day
  • Thesis and Book Binding. $7.50 plus any additional costs required for special binding such as pocket parts, tipping of maps, etc. to a maximum of $15.
  • Parking Permit Fees. Students will register their cars in a single payment for the entire school year or the balance of the school year in which they register, whichever is applicable. The school year is August 15 through August 14. A list of the fees can be found at Failure to pay an assessed fee will result in your student account being placed on hold.
  • Student Services Fee. The Student Services fee is compulsory for all students. The maximum Student Services fee per semester is $250.00. Students who register for the summer session are charged on the same basis as students registered during the regular academic year. The fee provides funding for extracurricular activities and events designed to augment student life at UT Permian Basin and reservation privileges at the gymnasium.
    • Students registered in absentia are not eligible to participate in student services and programs unless the regular fees are paid.
      The Student Handbook publishes the available programs, activities and services that the fee provides. This handbook is available at registration or from the Office of Student Life.
    • Refund of the Student Services fee to students withdrawing is made on the same basis as refund of the registration and tuition fees. The Board of Regents may set the fee at a rate up to $250/semester for resident undergraduate students.
  • Supplemental Fees. These include a variety of fees charged in addition to regular tuition for students registered in art, drama, speech, or music where individual coaching or instruction is the usual method of instruction.
  • Teacher Certification Credentials Fee. A $10 fee will be charged to cover the costs of evaluating student credentials for state teacher certification.
  • Teacher Certification Deficiency Plan Fee. A $30 fee per student will be charged to defray the cost of preparation of deficiency plans.
  • Test Administration Fee. To defray administrative costs in the Programs Assisting Student Studies (PASS) Office, a fee of $10 per test will be charged. (This does not include the cost of the test.)
  • Concurrent enrollment. Section 54.062 of the Texas Education Code provides for the following tuition procedure for students registering concurrently at two Texas public institutions of higher education:
    • The student must register first at the institution with a lower minimum tuition and pay the full tuition charge.
    • Generally only the hourly rate is paid at the second institution. However, if the minimum amount is less at the first institution, then the student must pay the difference in the two minimums to the second institution, but not less than the hourly rate. All other required and optional fees are billed by each institution at its regularly authorized rates.

Sample of Total Tuition and Fee Charges

The table can be used to estimate the full costs of one semester for Texas resident students. For undergraduates, the amounts are shown for 12 and 15 schs. For graduate students, the table gives amounts for 3 and 9 schs. If a student enrolls for a different number of hours, they may use the extra column to calculate those costs using the per semester credit hour charges for tuition and fees that are based on the number of hours of credit. Since the table shows only average charges for college and course related fees, a more precise total would have to be calculated by determining the actual fees for the student's school or college and the courses for which the student has enrolled. Necessary information may be obtained from the Office of Student Financial Services and/or UT Permian Basin's tuition and affordability website.








Name of Charge

12 sch

15 sch

3 sch

9 sch

Resident Tuition





Add: Required Fees






Student Services Fees






Library Service Fee






Athletic Fee






Student Multi-Purpose Center






Advising Fee






Technology Fee






Medical Service Fee





Total Charges



