Responsibility of Student

If there is any question as to residence status it is the student's responsibility, 30 days prior to registration, to raise the question with the administrative officials of the institution in which he or she is enrolling for official determination. Students classified as Texas residents must affirm the correctness of that classification as a part of the registration process. If the student's classification as a resident becomes inaccurate for any reason, it is the student's responsibility to notify the proper administrative officials at the institution. Failure to notify the institution constitutes a violation of the oath of residency and may result in disciplinary action.

Students claiming residency by virtue of parental dependency must provide sufficient documentation to support the residency claim of the parent. Residency is determined by State Statutes and in accordance with the guidelines promulgated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. The Residence Determination Official determines all residency classifications. To appeal the decision of the Residence Determination Official, students may present their case to the Vice President for Student Affairs and Leadership. If students wish to appeal that decision, they may appeal to the President of the University whose decision is final.

Before you register for classes each term, you will be asked to consent to a Student Financial Responsibility Agreement.