Refund of Tuition and Fees for Students Withdrawing from the University or Reducing Course Load

A Withdrawal is defined as dropping ALL courses.

Students must submit their withdrawal request to the Registrar at which time, the percent of tuition refund will be determined. Refund amounts for withdrawals are based on the total number of hours in which a student is enrolled at the date of withdrawal. Students withdrawing from the University will be refunded appropriate tuition and fees as follows:

Fall or Spring Terms

  • Prior to first class day 100% (less a $15 matriculation fee)
  • During the first 5 class days 80%
  • During the second 5 class days 70%
  • During the third 5 class days 50%
  • During the fourth 5 class days.25%
  • After the fourth 5 class days NONE

Summer Terms

  • Prior to the first class day 100% (less a $15 matriculation fee)
  • During the first, second or third class day 80%
  • During the fourth, fifth or sixth class day.50%
  • After the sixth class day NONE

First time students receiving federal aid under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 will be entitled to a refund of the higher of:

  1. the refund required by applicable state law
  2. the refund required by the accrediting agency
  3. the pro rata refund as prescribed by federal law.