Guaranteed Tuition Rate Plan

The Guaranteed Tuition Rate Plan (GTRP) encourages students to complete their college degree quickly, reducing costs and debt to students. State legislation enables UT Permian Basin to set a fixed tuition rate for four years, regardless of tuition increases during that time. By opting into the Guaranteed Tuition Rate Plan, UT Permian Basin students and their families can lock in tuition rates at the time they enroll and be protected against any future tuition increases. Freshmen and undergraduate transfer students who are seeking their first bachelor's degree are eligible for the GTRP. Once the GTRP option is selected, students will not be eligible to change or select a different tuition plan (in the current term or in future terms).

Pre-college credit earned through AP, IB, CLEP tests or dual credit courses will not affect students' opportunity to participate in the GTRP. College credit hours earned before high school graduation do not count against new freshmen who start UT Permian Basin directly after high school and enroll in the GTRP. There is no penalty for graduating in more than four years. However, the GTRP only locks in your tuition for four years.

If a student takes more time to earn their degree, their tuition rate would change to the prevailing traditional tuition rate. For example, if tuition is locked in at the 2020-2021 guaranteed rate but the student does not finish in four years, the fifth year would be billed at the current rate. In addition, students who take longer than four years to graduate incur additional costs, such as living expenses, books and fees that can dramatically increase the cost of a college education. It pays to graduate on time. For more information regarding the GTRP contact the Office of Admissions.