Student Travel Guidelines


Pre-trip Planning

Any time a student organization plans an event or plans to attend an event off campus, special consideration should be given to possible means of travel. Although private vehicles may seem the easiest to coordinate and most cost effective, organizations and their advisors should consider liability issues and safety factors along with cost and ease of coordination. The necessary travel forms must be filed with the Office of Student Life at least one week before your group's travel. Please refer to the Student Life Forms Section on this website. The Office of Student Life will share this information, copies of any travel waivers, itineraries, contact information, etc. with the University Police and the Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs and Leadership. University vehicles may be reserved from the Physical Plant through the Student Life Office. University owned or leased vehicles may only be driven by University employees and only drivers who are university employees are covered by university or system insurance. If private vehicles are used, the owners of those vehicles are entitled to reimbursement for mileage at the state rate, however, be aware that private vehicles and most rental vehicles are NOT covered by university or system insurance. University vehicles are reserved by the entire university community on a first come, first served basis, by Physical Plant so plan ahead. Consider airline or bus transportation for longer trips, where student drivers may be too fatigued from participation in the event to be able to perform as your group's chauffer. Fifteen passenger vans have a high center of gravity and are more likely to tip over when full than when empty; corners and curves must be taken more slowly and carefully than regular passenger vehicles.

Special event medical insurance is available through Mega Insurance, the same provider of student health insurance for the UT System. Special event insurance is required for all potentially dangerous activities such as camping, hiking, rock climbing, snow skiing, or water sports. It is recommended that special event insurance be used even when not required. The cost is two dollars per student, per day. (If your organization requires any travel, consult the UT Permian Basin Handbook of Operating Procedures).
The UT Permian Basin Student Services has funds set aside for group travel to conferences, but those funds are not unlimited. In addition to applying supplemental funds, groups should consider planning fund-raising activities well in advance of travel. Since neither Student Services funds nor fund-raisers are guaranteed monies, organizations should have alternate means of funding travel through dues, individual traveler fees, or other means. Whatever means of travel are selected, your organization should plan for potential emergencies. Individual drivers, student organizations, advisors, the University, and potentially the State of Texas may be sued by injured parties in the event of an accident. Many insurance companies sell individual trip or individual event insurance. This is an excellent way to limit the cost to your club, your advisor, or your university, by purchasing a liability insurance policy. Because individual students also have emergencies, you might consider requiring a trip deposit to be paid by all group members who plan to travel. This will help defray the lost travel and conference registration costs for students who must withdraw at the last minute.

Selection of Drivers

Whether your organization decides to use university vehicles or private vehicles, you should consider how you will choose your drivers. You may decide to ask for state department of motor vehicles' reports on any potential drivers, proof of insurance, proof of mechanical trustworthiness and inspection stickers of private vehicles. Organization officers and advisors may also wish to confer about the trustworthiness of potential drivers from their experience with those students' behavior and judgment. Although it is not required, it is recommended that all UTPB organization advisors travel with their students. When university vehicles are used, only university employees may legally drive them. If private vehicles are used, the owner is entitled to reimbursement for mileage at the state rate, however, no university, state, or system insurance will cover the vehicle, driver, or passengers.

Travel Waivers

Assumption of risk forms are another way to try and reduce the liability of your organization, advisor, and the University. These forms serve primarily to advise potential travelers of the risks involved in any mode of travel, to remind all group members of the necessity for caution while traveling, and to advise travelers of the importance of having their personal insurance up to date in case they are injured while away from home. Travel waivers also remind travelers that the activity being attended is voluntary. Waivers or assumption of risk forms should also ask travelers to list any personal health problems which the advisor or other club members should be aware of, medications required, personal health insurance company and policy number(s), and notification information for next of kin. If student travelers are under the age of 18, a parent or guardian must sign the waiver or assumption of risk form before the minor student will be allowed to travel, and this signature must be notarized. Copies of travel waivers should be left with the Student Life Office and another copy should accompany each vehicle or each group traveling, especially if particular health and insurance information is given on the travel waivers.

Safety Education

Student organization advisors should provide some type of safety meeting to discuss the specific, general, and potential hazards associated with organization travel. This type of safety education should remind individual organization members of their potential liability for injury of others, whether during travel or during specific activities such as rock climbing, camping, athletic activities, etc.
A pre-departure meeting should also be scheduled for your group, so that the advisor or organization officers in charge can inform travelers of the itinerary, costs, expectations of behavior, type of clothing to pack for conference or specific activities during the trip, emergency procedures in case of accident, etc. Advisors should specify expectations regarding alcohol or other drug use during travel and at the event, as well as consideration of other state's laws regarding alcohol or other drug consumption or possession. Remind students that while traveling and while at the planned conference or event, they will be representing their organization, the University of Texas Permian Basin, and possibly the State of Texas.


Advisors and organization members should plan for first aid kits, battery jumper cables, cell phones, credit cards, drinking water, flashlights, maps, radiator coolant, spare tires and related equipment, and emergency phone numbers to have on hand in each vehicle or with each group traveling separately on public transportation.
The UT Permian Basin Police should also be notified of the nature of your travel, routes planned, planned departure and return dates, contact information for your group while traveling (cell phone numbers, hotel or motel phone numbers while at a conference, etc.), and each individual traveling with your group should inform his or her parents, guardians, or next of kin about the nature of travel.


In booking transportation or signing agreements required for conference attendance, lodging at campsites, hotels, or motels, or for any entertainment activities, it is important to remember that students cannot sign contracts on behalf of the university. Any agreements which may require any type of performance, financial or otherwise, on the part of UT Permian Basin must be reviewed by the purchasing department and will be signed by someone in the vice president for business affairs office who is authorized to sign contracts for the University.
In the case of travel emergencies, advisors and organization members must remember that rental car, medical services, or any other unforeseen emergency agreements can only be signed on an individual basis or between your organization and the service-providing agency. The University may refuse to compensate any organization which negotiates a contract without the express written approval of the Vice President for Business Affairs.

Important Phone Numbers to Take on Your Trip

Office of Student Life 432-552-2650
Senior Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Services 432-552-2600
Senior Vice President for Business Services 432-552-2700
University Police 432-552-2787

Post-travel Evaluation

The organization advisor, drivers, and key organization planners should meet to evaluate all aspects of the organization's trip, but should focus especially on the effectiveness of your safety planning measures.

Safe Driving Practices

Use common sense in all unique travel situations

  • Obey all traffic laws, especially speed limits.
  • All passengers and drivers must wear seatbelts
  • No horseplay or racing.
  • Plan routes in advance; carpool and caravan where possible.
  • Stop for coffee and rest breaks approximately every 90 minutes.
  • Do not consume, possess, or transport alcohol or illegal drugs.
  • Always have an alert passenger sitting up front with the driver to keep driver awake.
  • Do not drive between 12:00 AM (midnight) and 6:00 AM without advisor approval.
  • Drivers must pull over if drowsy and allow another organization approved driver take over.

If an accident or breakdown occurs

  • Pull well off the road and post flares or reflective signs.
  • Follow all DPS driving rules and safety tips Emergency Procedures.
  • Contact your advisor.
  • Contact local police and complete accident report.
  • Contact insurance company.
  • Obtain names and addresses of all accident/incident witnesses.
  • Do not make any statements concerning responsibility for accidents.
  • Do cooperate with police; they will make determinations of fault.
  • Do not offer to pay others for damages.
  • Follow all procedures given in university vehicle packets.