Disciplinary Procedures

UT Permian Basin maintain the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. All students are expected and required to obey federal, State, and local laws, to comply with the Regents' Rules and Regulations, with The UT System, and institutional rules and regulations, with directives issued by an administrative official of the UT System or institution in the course of his or her authorized duties, and to observe standards of conduct appropriate for an academic institution. (Regents' Rules and Regulations, Rule 50101) Any student who engages in conduct that violates the fore mentioned is subject to discipline whether such conduct takes place on or off campus or whether civil or criminal sanctions are also imposed for such conduct.

The official version of the student conduct code can be found on the Dean of Students' web page.  The University reserves the right to restrict the enrollment of any student for disciplinary or academic reasons. According to the Regents' Rules, the Dean of Students has the authority to take interim disciplinary action when the continuing presence of the student poses a potential danger to persons or property or a potential threat of disrupting any authorized University activity.

In all cases, students are afforded due process through a meeting with the Dean of Students and/or a formal disciplinary hearing.

Disciplinary action could include
• Admonition.
• Warning probation.
• Disciplinary probation.
• Withholding of grades, official transcript and/or degree.
• Bar against readmission.
• Restitution or reimbursement for damage to or misappropriation of Institutional or System property.
• Deferred suspension.
• Suspension of rights and privileges, including participation in athletic or extracurricular activities.
• Failing grade for an examination or assignment or for a course and/or cancellation of all or any portion of prior course credit.
• Denial of degree.
• Suspension from the institution for a specified period of time.
• Expulsion (permanent separation from the institution).
• Revocation of degree and withdrawal of diploma.
• Other penalty as deemed appropriate under the circumstances.

Students who have a grievance with another student, faculty, or staff member are encouraged to review the procedures set out on the Dean of Student's web page on the University web pages at https://www.utpb.edu/life-at-utpb/student-services/dean-of-students/index. These procedures include information on how to file complaints of sexual harassment and discrimination on the basis of race or disability.