
Withdrawing is defined as a student who requests to withdraw from all classes currently enrolled. Students are required to complete a withdrawal form from the Office of the Registrar and obtain the signatures of the Office of Student Accounts and the Student Financial Aid Office. In cases of illness, students may have someone notify the Registrar who will arrange for withdrawal. In addition, an administrative withdrawal can be processed in a situation in which an active duty member of the US armed forces is called to duty. The student must provide documents stating the official date to report to duty. A student who is withdrawing as result of military service may choose the following (1) receive a refund of tuition and fees (2) if eligible, be assigned an incomplete I or (3) at the Institution's discretion, receive a final grade in each course where substantial amount of course work has been completed and mastery of the material is demonstrated. A completed withdrawal form must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar prior to the final date to withdraw.

Students should consult the academic calendar for the last day to withdraw from the University. A withdrawal request after the last date to withdraw must be processed via an Academic Petition Form and be approved by the academic advisor of the student, the chair of the department, and the academic dean. Failure to withdraw from the University will result in a failing grade on the academic record for all classes which the student never attended or stopped attending.

A withdrawal request becomes effective the date the completed and signed form is received from the student by the Office of the Registrar. Students should consult the Refund of Tuition and Fees Policy in the Regulations on Tuition and Fees section of this catalog to determine if they are entitled to a refund upon dropping a class or withdrawing from the University.