Leave of Absence for Pregnant and Parenting Students

In accordance with Texas Ed. Code. § 51.982, The University will allow pregnant and parenting students to take a leave of absence for a reasonable duration depending on the circumstances.  A leave of absence is defined as a period of time when a student is not enrolled in classes but is eligible to reenroll in the future.  In addition, if the pregnant or parenting student is in good academic standing at the time of the leave of absence, the student may return to the same degree or certificate program in good academic standing without being required to reapply for admission.  Documentation may be required for a leave of absence request under this Policy, which verifies the pregnant or parenting student status.  To apply for a leave of absence related to pregnant or parenting status, contact Title IX Coordinator in the Office of Compliance by email at titleixcoordinator@utpb.edu.  Students can find the entire UTPB Pregnancy and Parenting Non-Discrimination Policy at https://www.utpb.edu/university-offices/compliance-and-accommodations/title-ix/student-pregnancy-and-parenting-nondiscrimination-policy