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Course Instruction Mode
- Online Courses are those in which more than 85 percent of the planned instruction occurs online/virtually (asynchronously) when students and faculty are not in the same place. A fully online course is one in which mandatory in-person meetings occur no more than 15% of the planned instructional time.
- Remote Courses are ones in which students, while not required to physically come to campus to attend in-person classes, are required to "attend" virtually/remotely (synchronously) during scheduled days and times, with students expected to log in and participate in the lecture via video conferences.
- Hybrid Courses are courses in which the majority (more than 50% but less than 85%) of the planned instruction occurs when students and instructor(s) are not in the same place. This form of instruction offers a mix of on-campus/in-person and remote/online/electronic learning.
- HyFlex Courses are those which, like hybrid courses, offer a mix of on-campus/in-person and remote/online/electronic learning. In these courses at least 50% of the planned instruction occurs when students and instructor(s) are in the same place.
- Face-to-Face/In-Person Courses are those in which more than 85 percent of the planned instruction occurs when students are in the same place with an instructor(s).