Transfer of Credit

Undergraduate Transfer of Credit

There is no limit to the number of credit hours that may be transferred provided they meet the rules governing transfer of credit listed below. However, students must complete a total of 48 hours of upper level credit and at least 30 of those credit hours must be taken at UT Permian Basin, with the last 24 schs taken in residence, in order to be eligible to receive a degree. In addition, at least 25% of the credits used to meet a degree requirement must be from UT Permian Basin. Course work shown on transcripts from other academic institutions is subject to two separate evaluations:

  1. Admission. Course work is evaluated to determine the transferable credit for admission. This evaluation is performed by an admissions officer during the admission process.
  2. Applicability toward degree requirements. Course work is evaluated to determine whether the student's freshman/sophomore courses provide the necessary preparation for upper level courses at UT Permian Basin and to determine the applicability of previous upper level course work toward degree requirements at UT Permian Basin. This evaluation is performed by an academic advisor in the student's chosen field of study.

Rules Governing Transfer of Credit

  1. The college or university from which the credit is to be transferred must be accredited by a regional accrediting agency.
  2. Courses transfer to UT Permian Basin on the same level and with the corresponding number of credit hours earned at another institution. D grades may be included in the total number of credit hours to be accepted for transfer to UT Permian Basin; however, D grades will not be accepted to fulfill the requirements of a major, minor or any General Education requirement.
  3. When a course has been repeated for credit, the most recent grade and credit hours will be used to determine the acceptance of the course and also to determine if the student meets the minimum grade point average entrance requirement.
  4. The following are not accepted by the University toward admission or degree requirements:
    1. Orientation, remedial English, remedial reading courses, remedial mathematics courses, remedial writing (composition).
    2. General Education Development tests on high school or college level.
  5. Sectarian courses in religion are counted for admission purposes but do not apply toward degree requirements. However, courses in the philosophy of religion, the Bible as a literary work or surveys of the Old and New Testament may be applicable as free electives.
  6. Vocational and technology courses are not accepted as transfer credit by the Admissions Officer. Under special circumstances some of these courses may be accepted on an individual course basis by the faculty advisor with the approval of the Dean of the School or College.
  7. Except for Kinesiology majors, up to 4 credit hours will be accepted in physical activity courses toward admission requirements and total credits toward a degree. Up to 4 upper level credits in ROTC can be accepted in lieu of physical education.
  8. Credit for Military Service – course credit for all physical education credit required (4 credits) and for additional schs, not to exceed 12, may be applied to satisfy elective course requirements for the student's degree program for courses outside the student's major or minor if the student
    1. Graduated from a public or private high school accredited by a generally recognized accrediting organization or from a high school operated by the United States Department of Defense; and
    2. Is an honorably discharged former member of the armed forces of the United States who has completed at least two years of service in the armed forces or was discharged because of a disability.
    3. Student must provide proof of eligibility (i.e. DD Form 214 or disability discharge documentation)
  9. If UT Permian Basin does not accept lower division course credit earned by a student at another institution of higher education, UT Permian Basin shall give written notice to the student and the other institution that the transfer of the course credit is denied. The two institutions and the student shall attempt to resolve the transfer of the course credit in accordance with Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) rules and/or guidelines. If the transfer dispute is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student or the institution at which the credit was earned within 45 days after the date the student received written notice of the denial, UT Permian Basin shall notify the Commissioner of THECB of its denial and the reason for the denial. The Commissioner of Higher Education or the Commissioner's designee shall make the final determination about a dispute concerning the transfer of course credit and give written notice of the determination to the involved student and institutions.
  10. Correspondence or extension credit if appropriate to the curriculum and entered onto a transcript of a regionally and state accredited college or university, subject to the following limitations:
    1. The maximum transferable credit is 15 semester hours of correspondence credit, 30 semester hours of extension credit, or 30 semester hours of correspondence and extension credit combined.
    2. A maximum of six semester hours in the major may be correspondence credit.
    3. The College of Business does not accept transfer of any upper-level business courses taken by correspondence.
    4. Transfer credit is presented to the Office of Admissions at the time the student is applying to the University.
    5. Appropriateness to the degree is evaluated by the faculty advisor for degree purposes when the degree plan is developed.

Prospective students often have questions about transfer of courses. Students are invited and encouraged to seek advice about courses and degree programs from the admissions advisors and, if necessary, the student will be referred for consultation with faculty members in the student's prospective discipline.