Military Service

Military Service Training School Courses

As a Serviceman's Opportunity College (SOC) institution, UT Permian Basin awards credit on a limited basis for military coursework. In order for the credit to be awarded, a student submits to UT Permian Basin an official Army/American Council on education Registry Transcript System (AARTS) or an official Sailor/Marine/ACE Registry Transcript (SMART) listing all military course work completed. The Admission Office evaluates the transcript and determines the transferability of course work. Credit is awarded for military course work that is deemed parallel to academic course work. Credit is not awarded for military experience based upon a Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) or for course work that is solely technical in nature. Awarding of credit for military course work does not guarantee its applicability to a degree at UT Permian Basin. A student who has taken military credits that do not transfer may challenge by examination (i.e., CLEP) or other petition procedure established by your academic department.

Military Related Withdrawals

In accordance with Section 51.9242 of the Texas Education Code, a student who withdraws from the University in order to perform active military service (not including Texas National Guard Training exercises) will be readmitted for any semester or summer session that begins within a year after the student's release from active service. The student is not required to reapply. However, if he or she has been out for more than two semesters, the student must submit a returning student application to inform the University that the student plans to re-enroll and update demographic and major related information. Readmitted students may be eligible for the same financial assistance provided before the student's withdrawal.
In accordance with section 51.844 of the Texas Education Code, graduate or professional students who withdraw from or defer admission to the University to perform active military service in a combative operation will be readmitted to their previous program. All previous earned coursework applied towards the program and any standardized test scores previously submitted will be accepted.