Policy on the Approval Process for Recruitment Materials and Presentations

In order to ensure that recruitment materials and presentations are clear and uniform and accurately represent the Institution's practices, policies, and academic programs, the University requires a systematic and documented review and approval process that includes the appropriate campus stakeholders including the offices of Admissions, Graduate Studies, Marketing and Communication, as well as the relevant academic programs/departments/colleges. Both in-house and third party-produced recruitment materials are subject to this policy. UT Permian Basin complies with DoD guidelines and prohibits commissions, bonuses or other incentive payment based directly or indirectly on securing service member enrollments. The University must not provide any inducements to any parties for the securement of enrollment or tuition assistance from military service members. UT Permian Basin also refrains from the use of high-pressure recruitment tactics of any kind such as multiple unsolicited phone calls, e-mails or in-person visits. The University also prohibits same-day recruitment and registration for the purpose of securing military enrollments.

Guidelines for Independent Contractors or Agents in Recruitment and Admission Activities

Independent (third-party) contractors who are engaged in recruitment and admission activities on behalf of UT Permian Basin are governed by the same principles and policies as institutional employees. In addition, independent contractors are responsible for the regular training of their employees to ensure proficiency in University standards and policies. These provisions are affirmed in third-party documents and/or contracts.