Mechanical Engineering, MS

Administrative Unit

The program is administered by the Office of Graduate Studies through the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the College of Engineering.


The Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering offers advanced training in mechanical engineering through a curriculum that provides both depth and breadth studies. The objectives of the program are:

  1. To prepare graduates to enter the workforce and perform at a higher professional level than those with the B.S. degree.
  2. To provide advanced training for engineers currently in the workforce, allowing them to perform at a higher level in their company.
  3. To provide adequate preparation for those graduates who wish to enter a doctoral program in mechanical engineering.
  4. To provide a nationally recognized graduate program in Mechanical Engineering at UT Permian Basin through a combination of theoretical and practical education that develops professional expertise in Mechanical Engineering graduates.
  5. To establish a graduate program in Mechanical Engineering in the Permian Basin that nurtures discovery, synthesis, and professional advancement.

Admission Requirements

Students who wish to pursue the Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering degree program must meet the general UT Permian Basin graduate admissions requirements. Students are expected to have completed an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering from an ABET accredited program, or equivalent. Students lacking prerequisite courses required by the program must complete them before starting any graduate-level work.

Regular Admission Status

  1. Bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from an ABET accredited institution, or equivalent.
  2. A GPA of 3.0 or better in the last 60 semester credit hours of upper-level coursework.

Conditional Admission Status

A student with a GPA below 3.0 but not lower than 2.75 in the last 60 semester credit hours of upper-level coursework will be considered for admission based on the student's application. The committee will review upper-level courses taken and GRE scores to determine if there is appropriate preparation deemed necessary for success in the program. Conditionally admitted students may be required to take leveling courses before being fully admitted to the program and will have to maintain the required GPA to remain a graduate student. A conditional student who completes the five core courses in the program (15 hours) with a GPA of 3.0 or better will achieve regular admission status; otherwise, the student will be dismissed from the program.

Conditional Admission (GPA 2.5-2.9)

  • Bachelor’s degree in science and engineering disciplines from an accredited program; Student from other disciplines other than mechanical engineering are required to audit: Dynamics, Mechanics of Materials, Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics I, Heat Transfer, and Mechanical Design depending on what is not reflected on their degree transcript;
  • GPA of 2.5-2.9 in the last 60 credit hours of upper-level coursework;
  • GRE score of 300 or higher (verbal and quantitative) in total and 2.5 or better in analytical writing;
  • Up to 12 credit hours of graduate courses will be allowed to enroll in and must obtain a GPA of 3.0 or better for regular admission, otherwise will be dismissed from the program;
  • A statement of purpose explaining how the student’s background aligns with the program and helps the student succeed in the future.

Conditional Admission (GPA <2.5)

  • Bachelor’s degree in science and engineering disciplines from an accredited program; Student from other disciplines other than mechanical engineering are required to audit: Dynamics, Mechanics of Materials, Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics I, Heat Transfer, and Mechanical Design depending on what is not reflected on their degree transcript;
  • GPA of 2.25-2.49 in the last 60 credit hours of upper-level coursework; no admission is granted with a GPA lower than 2.25;
  • GRE score of 300 or higher (verbal and quantitative) in total and 2.5 or better in analytical writing;
  • Up to 12 credit hours of graduate courses will be allowed to enroll in and must obtain a GPA of 3.0 or better for regular admission, otherwise will be dismissed from the program;
  • A statement of purpose explaining how the student’s background aligns with the program and helps the student succeed in the future;
  • At least two years of work experience in the field of mechanical engineering. Two recommendation letters supporting the work experience;
  • If any of the courses from Dynamics, Mechanics of Materials, Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics I, Heat Transfer, and Mechanical Design have a GPA lower than C (2.0), it is required to audit the corresponding course as a leveling course after conditional admission. International transcripts will be converted to US equivalent grades.


Students may elect the thesis or non-thesis option. On acceptance into the program, the student will be assigned a faculty advisor by the program coordinator. Prior to completion of one-half of the course credits required for the degree, the advisor and the student will nominate a committee in accordance with the regulations of the Graduate Studies office.

The Thesis Option requires 2 semester credit hours of coursework and 6 semester credit hours of original research resulting in a thesis. The thesis must be acceptable to the candidate's graduate committee and written such that it conforms to the rules established in the Graduate Studies office at UT Permian Basin. After approval of the thesis by the student's graduate committee, the student must present a seminar on the thesis, defending its conclusions orally to the general faculty and representatives of the Graduate Studies office. Copies of the approved thesis must be submitted to the Graduate Studies office before the degree is conferred.

The Non-Thesis Option requires 36 semester credit hours of coursework.

Degree Requirements

Candidates for the Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering must complete the work detailed below. Candidates must complete all required coursework and/or research with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better to receive the degree. No more than two C grades in 6000-level courses will be counted toward the degree. One 43XX engineering course with a minimum grade of B, taken after acceptance into the program, may be counted toward the degree with the permission of the student's advisor.

Core Courses

ENGR 6310Advanced Engineering Analysis


MENG 6330Intermediate Mechanics of Materials


MENG 6335Intermediate Dynamics


MENG 6340Intermediate Fluid Mechanics


MENG 6355Advanced Heat Transfer


Total Credit Hours:15

Elective Courses

ENGR 6305Engineering Materials


ENGR 6315Design Of Experiments


MENG 6320Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning


MENG 6325Optimal Design of Thermo-Fluid Systems


MENG 6345Engineering Optimization


MENG 6350Applied Finite Element Analysis


MENG 6360Fatigue Design and Fracture Mechanics


MENG 6389Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering



MENG 6399Master's Thesis


Total Credit Hours:6

Engineering Project and Management

Graduate Certificate in Engineering Project Management (Online)

Graduate certificate in Engineering Project Management (ENPM) is designed for the students who have completed their bachelor's in engineering, computer science, or business majors. It is structured such that our aim is to develop advanced skills for managing and leading the engineering projects from initiating to the final phase of closing.

Program Admission Prerequisites

The students seeking admission in this certificate program must have an undergraduate degree in engineering, computer science, or business majors. An official transcript is required from the former institution.

Program Requirements

This graduate certificate requires any four of the following online courses. The students will be awarded the graduate certificate after they qualify any 4 of these courses (total 12 credit hours) with overall C or better grade:

ENPM 6301Essentials of Engineering Project Management


ENPM 6303Engineering Projects Planning and Control


ENPM 6303Engineering Projects Planning and Control


ENPM 6304Quality and Risk Management for Engineering Projects


ENPM 6305Lean Six Sigma


ENPM 6306Probability Risk Assessment of ENP


ENPM 6307Engineering Project Management


Contact Person for More Information

For more information, please contact:

Omar Ali Beg, PhD, PMP

Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering

Graduate Certificate Program Coordinator

The University of Texas Permian Basin

11105 West Highway 191, Midland, TX 79705

Email:, Office: 3100D, Phone: 432-552-3460

Accelerated Master's Program (AMP)

The goal of this program is to allow highly motivated and academically qualified Mechanical Engineering major to complete their bachelor's and master's degree in an accelerated time than in traditional separate consecutive programs. Qualified undergraduate students in accelerated master's program will be allowed to complete a portion of Mechanical Engineering graduate coursework during the senior year of their undergraduate study that counts both towards the undergraduate elective course requirements and also serve as graduate credits upon admission into the graduate program.

Mechanical Engineering AMP Requirements

(In addition to general AMP requirements)

  • Before joining the AMP program, the interested students must meet with both their undergraduate advisor and the graduate program head to determine their eligibility and then apply to the AMP program. The Graduate Program Head/AMP Coordinator will serve as the advisor to AMP students. All AMP Mechanical Engineering students are required to meet with their advisor twice a semester for progress reports and registration.
  • Students must complete minimum of 90 undergraduate credit hours, including the 18 hours in the upper-level mechanical engineering courses, before a student may apply.
  • Total credits required to fulfill undergraduate degree requirements are 126 credits.
  • Once admitted into the AMP, that undergraduate student must complete the required prerequisites of a graduate course before enrolling into that course.
  • Total credits for the combined undergraduate and graduate degrees must be at least 150 credit hours for the thesis option and 156 credit hours for the non-thesis option.
    • Hours per degree
      • Undergraduate degree: 126 hours [120 undergraduate hours + 6 shared graduate hours]
      • Graduate degree: 30 hours [24 graduate hours completed after getting accepted into the Graduate Program + 6 shared graduate hours completed as AMP during the 4th year of undergraduate program]

Mechanical Engineering AMP Withdrawals and Dismissal Policies

(In addition to general AMP withdrawal and dismissal policies)

  • A student may withdraw from the program at any time by informing the graduate program head/AMP Coordinator, their undergraduate advisor, Graduate Studies Office, and Registrar in writing.
  • A minimum graduate GPA of 3.0 must be maintained for continuation in the program. Failure to do so will result in probation period for one semester. If the GPA is not improved to 3.0 or above for the second time, they will be dismissed from the program.
  • AMP students who earn less than B in a graduate course but pass the course with a C can use those credits to satisfy the MENG undergraduate degree elective requirements but cannot use those credits for the graduate program and will have to repeat the course to earn a minimum B the second time. If they earn less than a B for a second time, they will be dismissed from the AMP program and will have to continue the conventional undergraduate degree program.