Contract Study

Several types of independent study are available at UT Permian Basin. These are referred to as contract study courses, which include readings, special problems, library research, and certain other learning activities. Before students may register for these courses, plans for the proposed study showing the objectives, procedures to be used for evaluation, and other plans must be written and approved by the appropriate instructor, and by the Dean or Department Chair.

Contract studies are not intended to substitute, by content, for courses listed in the Catalog.

Contract Study courses require a contract study form to be filled out by the faculty supervisor, signed by the student/faculty supervisor/college Dean, and turned into the Registrar's Office.

Contract Study is available only in disciplines in which the master's degree is offered. Contract study should not include course work which is offered in regular undergraduate or graduate courses. SPI enrollment would be the preferred mode for individual enrollment in such a course. All enrollment forms will be routed through the Dean of Graduate Studies and Associate Vice President of Research for approval prior to acceptance by the Registrar. A limit of 6 semester credit hours is established for the amount of contract study credit which will be accepted for a master's degree.