Registration and Student Records

Students who are officially admitted to the University and program may register for courses. Prior to each academic semester, a registration period is held. Students may find information on registration dates and the dates of other transactions that affect them in the Schedule of Classes or you may also seek information on the web at

Registration Process

Students who are currently enrolled (students who have attended the University within the last 2 semesters) are permitted to register in during the prior semester, provided they are in good standing with the University. Dates of registration are listed in the semester calendar of the Schedule of Classes and are otherwise advertised on campus via campus poster, signs, and website. Students are encouraged to become knowledgeable of the rules governing registration, consult their advisor prior to registration and understand the arrangements for payment of tuition and fees. 

New Student (Transfer and Past Students)

Students who are transferring to the University or who are reenrolling in the University after one year or more absence are permitted to register for classes during regular registration held prior to the beginning of classes only if they have been admitted or readmitted. Students who are seeking financial aid and who have not completed this process several months in advance of this registration will inevitably be delayed in receiving funds from federal grants and secured and unsecured loans. (See the Financial Aid section of the catalog for details regarding financial aid.) Dates of registration are listed in the semester calendar of the Schedule of Classes.

Web Registration

Web registration is available through which is located on the home page of the UT Permian Basin website To be eligible to Web register, students must have received clearance from their academic advisor. In addition, a student account must be cleared of any restrictions. allows students to view and print class schedules, grade reports, and unofficial transcripts. In addition, students can also view their current account and financial aid status.

Student Advisement

Students are encouraged to visit with faculty advisors for degree and class schedule planning. Students needing an academic advisor should contact the Graduate Studies office. Students may not register for conventionally taught partially self-paced courses after the last day of late registration. Students must be officially enrolled at UT Permian Basin in the semester in which they graduate.


UT Permian Basin allows a person who does not desire course credit to register for classes on a non-credit basis. This is known as auditing a course. Students auditing classes are permitted to attend classes and participate in the course discussions, and studio and laboratory work and other class activities but are not required to complete work outside the classroom or sit for exams. The fee for auditing a course is $35 per credit hour plus any applicable lab fee. This fee covers course participation, library use, and computer use privileges similar to those of students. It does not cover parking or provide access to student services covered by the student service fee or the medical services fee. No credit is earned through auditing the class and a student may not earn credit through examination for audited courses. Student may not audit contract study, self-paced, thesis, and research or practicum courses. Students applying only for the purposes of auditing a course are not required to meet all admission requirements.

However, students that have been denied admission are not eligible to enroll to audit. For further information on admissions for auditing purposes, contact the Admissions Office. Registration for auditing courses can occur only during the late registration period. It is on a space available basis only and requires the instructor's permission. Students should contact the Registrar's Office for audit enrollment forms and procedures.

Enrollment Verification

A student may request the Office of the Registrar to report to an outside agency their official enrollment status for a current term. Enrollment certification or verification must be requested by the student and will be processed after the official census date of the current term.

Requests for Access to Student Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C. Sec.1232g, and the Texas Public Information Act, Texas Government Code Sec. 552.001 et seq., are respectively a federal and state law that provide for the review and disclosure of student educational records. In accordance with these laws the University has adopted the following policy. Individuals are informed of their rights under these laws through this policy which is included in the University Handbook of Operating Procedures and Catalog Release of Information.

The University will not permit access to, or the release of, personally identifiable information contained in student education records without the written consent of the student to any party, except as follows:

  • to appropriate University officials who require access to education records in order to perform their legitimate education duties;
  • to officials of other schools in which the student seeks or intends to enroll, upon request of these officials, and upon the condition that the student be notified and receive a copy of the record if desired;
  • to federal, state, or local officials or agencies authorized by law;
  • in connection with a student's application for, or receipt of, financial aid;
  • to accrediting organizations or organizations conducting educational studies, provided that these organizations do not release personally identifiable data and destroy such data when it is no longer needed for the purpose it was obtained;
  • to the parents of a dependent student as defined in section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, provided a reasonable effort is made to notify the student in advance;
  • in compliance with a judicial order or subpoena, provided a reasonable effort is made to notify the student in advance unless such subpoena specifically directs the Institution not to disclose the existence of a subpoena;
  • in an emergency situation if the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other persons;
  • to an alleged victim of any crime of violence, the results of the alleged perpetrator's disciplinary proceeding may be released; or
  • to a parent of a student regarding the student's violation of any Federal, State, or local law, or of any University rule or policy, governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance if the University determines that the student has committed a disciplinary violation with respect to that use or possession and the student is under the age of 21 at the time of the disclosure to the parent.

The University will release information in student education records to appropriate University officials as indicated in (15.111) above when such records are needed by administrators, faculty, or staff in furtherance of the educational or business purposes of the student or University.

A record of requests for disclosure and such disclosure of personally identifiable information from student education records shall be maintained by the Registrar for each student and will also be made available for inspection pursuant to this policy. If the Institution discovers that a third party who has received student records from the institution has released or failed to destroy such records in violation of this policy, it will prohibit access to education records by that third party for five (5) years. Respective records no longer subject to audit nor presently under request for access may be purged according to regular schedules.

Directory Information

At its discretion, The University may release Directory Information which shall include:

  • name, address, telephone number
  • place of birth
  • major field of study
  • participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • dates of attendance
  • most recent previous education institution attended
  • student classification
  • enrollment status (full-time, part-time, undergraduate, graduate, etc.)
  • degrees and awards
  • date of graduation
  • physical factors (height and weight) of athletes

Students may have any or all Directory Information withheld by notifying the Office of the Registrar in writing each semester during the first 12 days of class of a fall or spring semester, the first 4 class days of a summer semester, or the first 3 days of any quarter. Request for non-disclosure will be honored by the Institution for only the current enrollment period; therefore, a request to withhold Directory Information must be filed each semester or term in the Office of the Registrar.

Access to File

Upon written request, the University shall provide a student with access to their educational records. The Vice President for Student Services has been designated by the Institution to coordinate the inspection and review procedures for student education records, which include admissions files and academic files. The Vice President for Business Affairs has been designated by the Institution to coordinate the inspection and review procedures for student financial files. Students wishing to review their education records must make written requests to the Vice President for Student Services listing the item or items of interest. Students wishing to review their financial files must make written requests to the Vice President for Business Affairs listing the item or items of interest. Education records covered by the Act will be made available within 45 days of the request. A list of education records and those officials responsible for the records shall be maintained at the Registrar's Office. This list includes:

Academic Records

Registrar's Office (Admissions/Registrar): College, Division, Department, and Faculty Offices

Student Services Records

Student Activities Office: Director of Student Activities
Student Services: Vice President for Student Services

Financial Records

Business Office: Vice President for Business Affairs
Financial Aid Office: Director of Financial Aid

Educational records do not include, subject to specific limitations of FERPA regulations (34 CFR Part 99):

  • financial records of student's parents, or guardian;
  • confidential letters of recommendation which were placed in the educational records of a student prior to January 1, 1975 and confidential letters and confidential statements of recommendation placed in the student's education records after January 1, 1975, if the student has waived, in writing, his or her right to inspect and review these letters and statements and those letters and statements are related to the student's admission to the University;
  • application for employment, or receipt of an honor or honorary recognition;
  • records of instructional, administrative, and educational personnel which are kept in the sole possession of the maker and are not accessible or revealed to any other individual except a temporary substitute for the maker;
  • records of law enforcement units;
  • employment records related exclusively to an individual's employment capacity;
  • medical and psychological records;
  • thesis or research papers; and
  • records that only contain information about an individual after the individual is no longer a student at the Institution.

Challenge to Record

Students may challenge the accuracy of their educational records. Students who believe that their educational records contain information that is inaccurate or misleading or is otherwise in violation of their privacy may discuss their problems informally with the Registrar. If agreement is reached with respect to the student's request, the appropriate records will be amended. If not, the student will be notified within a reasonable period of time that the records will not be amended, and they will be informed by the Vice President for Student Services of their right to a formal hearing. Student requests for a formal hearing must be made in writing to the Vice President for Student Services who, within a reasonable period of time after receiving such requests, will inform students of the date, place and the time of the hearing. Students may present evidence relevant to the issues raised and may be assisted or represented at the hearings by one or more persons of their choice, including attorneys, at the student's expense. The hearing officer that will adjudicate such challenges will be appointed by the Vice President for Student Services in non-academic matters and by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs in academic matters. Decisions of the hearing officer will be final, will be based solely on the evidence presented at the hearing, will consist of the written statements summarizing the evidence and stating the reasons for the decisions, and will be delivered to all parties concerned. The education records will be corrected or amended in accordance with the decision of the hearing officer, if the decision is in favor of the student. If the decision is unsatisfactory to the student, the student may place with the education records statements commenting on the information in the records or statements setting forth any reasons for disagreeing with the decision of the hearing officer, or both. The statements will be placed in the education records, maintained as part of the student's records, and released whenever the records in question are disclosed. Students who believe that the adjudications of their challenges were unfair or not in keeping with the provisions of the Act, may request in writing, assistance from the President.


Students may have copies of their educational records and this policy. These copies will be made at the student's expense at rates authorized in the Texas Public Information Act except official transcripts will be $7.00 charged at the current rate approved as a University fee. Official copies of academic records or transcripts will not be released for students who have a delinquent financial obligation or financial "hold" at the University.


Complaints regarding alleged failures to comply with the provisions of the FERPA may be submitted in writing to the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20202-5920.


Students are advised that research papers authorized by undergraduate students may be made available to interested members of the public.


Commencement ceremonies are held three times during an academic year at the end of fall, spring, and summer semesters. Students who have completed degree requirements for their respective degree program are encouraged to file their intent of graduation in the allotted time given during each semester. Information about deadlines for applying to graduate is published in the Schedule of Classes and on the UT Permian Basin website.


A candidate for a degree who has completed all the courses and other requirements for graduation and who must register with the University for the purpose of having a degree conferred, must register in absentia. This is the only purpose for which a student may register in absentia. After registration for credit during a semester or summer session, a student wishing to change to in absentia status must have the request approved by the student's academic Dean and processed through the add/drop procedure. All fees, less the in absentia fee and computer use fee, will be refunded if the change is made during the first 12 class days of the spring or fall semester and 4th class day of the Summer session. After the 12th class day or 4th class day in summer, no refunds will be made and no additional charge will be assessed for the in absentia fee. The University ID card and original paid fee receipt must be returned before a refund can be issued. No refund is made for the cancellation of an in absentia registration.

If the student requests a change from in absentia status to regular registration for courses, in absentia fees paid will apply toward the tuition due.


Adding a course is an option to students during a semester the first 12 class days during fall and spring (4 class days in the summer). Student must initiate an addition or change to their schedule during the time given on the academic calendar.


Dropping courses should not be confused with withdrawing from all courses. In courses taught on a conventional basis, a student may drop the course on or before the last day of the 10th week of classes. Students should consult the academic calendar for the last day to drop. All freshman and business majors must have the permission of their academic advisor to drop or add a course. Students may drop courses without permission of the instructor during the first 12 class days in the fall and spring semester or first four class days in summer semester. Students must obtain the signature of the instructor whose course they are dropping if they drop the course on or between the (12th class day for spring or fall semester and 4th class day in the summer semester) and the last day to drop classes as given on the academic calendar for each fall and spring semester. Student may drop a class after the last date or drop only with permission of their Dean, Department Chair, and Academic Advisor. The student must submit all requests to drop a course in writing to the Registrar's office. Faculty, relatives, or friends may not drop or add courses for a student. Drops forms must be completed at the Registrar's Office prior to the end of the last day to drop. Failure to drop a class which is not being attended will result in failing grade on the academic record. Student enrolling late in a course should not expect special make-up assistance from the instructor.


Withdrawing is defined as a student who requests to withdrawal from all classes currently enrolled. Students are required to complete withdrawal form from the Registrar's Office and obtain the signatures of the Accounting office, the Library, Security, and the Student Financial Aid Office. In cases of illness, students may have someone notify the Registrar who will arrange for withdrawal. In addition, an administrative withdrawal can be processed in a situation in which an active-duty member of the US armed forces is called to duty. The student must provide documents stating the official date to report to duty. A student who is withdrawing as result of military serviced may chase the following (1) receive a refund of tuition and fees, (2) if eligible, be assign an incomplete (I); or (3) at the Institution's discretion, receive a final grade in course where substantial amount of coursework has been completed and mastery of the material is demonstrated. A complete withdrawal form must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar prior to the final date to withdraw. Student should consult the academic calendar for the last day to withdraw from the University. A withdrawal request after the last date to withdraw must be processed via an Academic Petition Form and be approved by the academic advisor of the student and the chair of the department. Failure to withdraw from the University will result in a failing grade on the academic record for all classes which the student never attended or stopped attending. A withdrawal request becomes effective the date the complete and signed form is received from the student by the Registrar's office. Students should consult the Refund of Tuition and Fees Policy in the Regulations on Tuition and Fees section of this Catalog to determine if they are entitled to a refund upon dropping a class or withdrawing from the University.


The Registrar has been designated as the Residence Determination Official for the University. The official will make the determination of a student's residence status based on information provided by the student on reclassification residency student packet and any additional information provided by the student.

A student has a right to apply for reclassification of residency for tuition purposes after a continuous 12-month period of living in Texas. A non-resident student may be reclassified as a resident if employment or personal factors or actions are indisputably indicating a permanent intention to reside in the state. Students who would like to be reclassified are required to apply for reclassification with the Residence Determination official in the Office of the Registrar. Student must submit all required forms and any additional supporting documents for the purpose of reclassification in the allotted time of a forthcoming semester. Any reclassification materials received after the official census date (12th class day fall or spring semesters or 4th class day in summer semester) will processed for the next semester.

Foreign students living in the United States under a visa permitting permanent residence, and alien who are permitted by Congress to adopt the United States as their domicile while they are in Texas must wait a period 12 months from which their residence in United States was granted before they may apply for reclassification of in-state status.

It is the responsibility of the student to notify the University of their intent to be reclassified and to contact the Residence Determination Official (Registrar) 30 days prior to enrolling in an approaching semester.

The following student terms are used as reference terms for the purpose of residency reclassification:

Independent Student (Texas Resident)

A student who is considered an independent individual who is 18 years of age or older who moves to the state of Texas and is gainfully employed in Texas for 12 months prior to enrolling in an institution of high education is entitled to a residency status of in-state, unless the individual is in Texas for some purpose other than establishing residence in the state. A student who enrolls prior to having lived in Texas 12 months will be classified as a non-resident student.

Dependent Student

Students who are claimed as dependents on their parent's/legal court appointed guardian's income tax and provide the sufficient documentation to support the residency claim of the parent. A parent or legal court appointed guardian will need to provide their residency in Texas in support of the dependent student.

Residency reclassification forms can access by visiting the office of the Registrar or you may print those from our webpage at and quick link: REGISTRAR.

Students may access the THECB's for rules governing Texas Residency at the following web site:

Schedule of Classes

A Schedule of Classes is printed prior to each enrollment period. Students will have the opportunity to view all available courses being offered for a forthcoming semester. The Schedule of Classes not only provides students with information on registration, but additional information needed by students, such as dates and times of courses, registration dates, semester calendar, advising information, financial aid information, and location of courses. The University also provides this information online on the official website:

The Class Day

The class day begins at 8:00 AM and ends at 10:00 PM. Unlike some universities in which courses offered after 5:00 PM are provided through an extension division, UT Permian Basin offers courses in the late afternoon and evening as part of the regular offerings. Students enrolling in these courses register in the same manner as students who are taking only daytime courses. Full-time students may have both day and evening classes. For information of class times please see the Schedule of Classes printed version or web schedule.


Transcripts of grades earned at UT Permian Basin are available in the Office of the Registrar. The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act requires that the student sign all transcript requests and releases. For details on obtaining your transcripts please contact the Office of the Registrar at 552-2635. Student will be responsible for all fees related to obtain their official copy of a University transcript.

Veterans Education Benefits

In compliance with United States Department of Veteran Affairs, the University processes necessary procedures to aid veteran students in receiving Veteran Education Benefits. An official education certifying officer processes the applications and forms needed to certify the attendance of a Veteran student at the University. Veteran students seeking additional information may contact the designated education certifying officer or you may seek Veteran information at