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Chemistry, BS with Teacher Certification
Degree Requirements
The total semester credit hours required for a B. S. in Chemistry is 120.
General Education Requirements
History (U.S. History)
HIST 1301 | History Of The Us To 1877 | 3 |
HIST 1302 | History Of The Us Since 1877 | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 6 |
Language, Philosophy and Culture
Physical Science Requirement
Political Science (U.S., State of Texas and Local Government)
Creative Arts
Social and Behavioral Science
Component Area
COMM 1315 | Introduction to Public Speaking | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 3 |
Component Area Option
Total Credit Hours: 42
Common Science Requirements
Lower Level
Total Credit Hours: 24
Required Chemistry Courses
(38 sch total, ≥ 22 sch upper level)
Lower Level
Upper Level
Advanced Chemistry Electives
(select ≥ 7 sch)
Transfer or Other Hours Not Listed Above
Minimum of 1 lower level sch.
UTeach Teacher Education
(12 sch + 6 sch Clinical Teaching)
UTeach Teacher Education Core
EDUC 3305 | Preparing for Inquiry-Based Math and Science Teaching | 3 |
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| Or | |
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EDUC 2101 | Introduction to Math and Science Teaching | 1 |
| And | |
EDUC 2202 | Lesson Design in Math and Science Teaching | 2 |
| | |
EDUC 4341 | Knowing and Learning | 3 |
EDUC 4342 | Classroom Interactions | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 9 |
Content Area Methods
EDUC 4343 | Multiple Teaching Practices in Math and Science Teaching | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 3 |
Clinical Teaching