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2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
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About the University
Learning Resources and Institutes
Academic Calendar
Financial Aid
Student Life
Student Health and Safety
Career Services
Student Success Program
Registration and Student Records
Academic Regulations
Undergraduate Scholastic Requirements
Tuition Fees and Deposits
Intercollegiate Athletics
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Business
College of Education
College of Engineering
College of Health Sciences and Human Performance
Degree Maps
General Education Requirements
Programs of Study
Teacher Certifications
ACCT - Accountancy
ARTS - Arts
ASTR - Astronomy
ATTR - Athletic Training
BAAS - Applied Arts and Sciences
BIOL - Biology
BLAW - Business Law
BUSI - Business
CCJS - Criminology and Criminal Just
CENG - Chemical Engineering
CHEM - Chemistry
CHLD - Child and Family Studies
CIVE - Civil Engineering
COMM - Communication
COSC - Computer Science
DRAM - Drama
ECON - Economics
EDUC - Education
EDUC 4099
EDUC 4310
EDUC 4311
EDUC 4312
EDUC 4313
EDUC 4314
EDUC 4315
EDUC 4317
EDUC 4321
EDUC 4322
EDUC 4323
EDUC 4324
EDUC 4325
EDUC 4326
EDUC 4327
EDUC 4329
EDUC 4333
EDUC 4334
EDUC 4336
EDUC 4341
EDUC 4342
EDUC 4343
EDUC 4345
EDUC 4352
EDUC 4353
EDUC 4354
EDUC 4355
EDUC 4356
EDUC 4362
EDUC 4363
EDUC 4368
EDUC 4371
EDUC 4372
EDUC 4373
EDUC 4381
EDUC 4382
EDUC 4383
EDUC 4387
EDUC 4389
EDUC 4391
EDUC 4681
EDUC 4682
EDUC 4683
EDUC 4684
EDUC 4693
EDUC 4694
EENG - Electrical Engineering
ENGL - English
ENGR - Engineering
ENSC - Environmental Science
FINA - Finance
FREN - French
GEOL - Geology
GERM - German
HIST - History
HMPF - Human Performance
HSHP - Health Science and Human Perf
HUMA - Humanities Online
ITEC - Industrial Technology
KINE - Kinesiology
LEAD - Leadership
MATH - Mathematics
MENG - Mechanical Engineering
MNGT - Management
MRKT - Marketing
MUED - Music Education
MUEN - Music Ensemble
MUSI - Music
NTSC - Natural Science
NURS - Nursing
PENG - Petroleum Engineering
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
PLSC - Political Science
PSYC - Psychology
PTEC - Industrial Tech Petroleum
PUBH - Public Health
SOCI - Sociology
SOWK - Social Work
SPAN - Spanish
STAT - Statistics
THEA - Theatre
UGR - Undergraduate Research
UNIV - University
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EDUC 4099
Seminar: Professional Practice
EDUC 4310
Early Intervention
EDUC 4311
ECE: Social And Emotional Dev
EDUC 4312
ECE: Curriculum & Instruction
EDUC 4313
Emergent Literacy
EDUC 4314
Lang Dev In The Young Child
EDUC 4315
Cognition And Biliteracy
EDUC 4317
Sec Lang Acquisition Principles EC-6
EDUC 4321
Classroom Instruction and Management: Grades 4-8
EDUC 4322
Classroom Instruction and Management: Grades 7-12
EDUC 4323
Adolescent Literature In Class
EDUC 4324
Read Dev In Primary
EDUC 4325
Reading in the Middle Grades
EDUC 4326
Reading & Literacy In Content
EDUC 4327
Literacy Assessment and Intervention
EDUC 4329
First And Second Language Acquisition
EDUC 4333
Theory and Practice of Teaching: Elementary Physical Education
EDUC 4334
Theory and Practice of Teaching: Secondary Physical Education
EDUC 4336
Issues In Multilingualism
EDUC 4341
Knowing and Learning
EDUC 4342
Classroom Interactions
EDUC 4343
Multiple Teaching Practices in Math and Science Teaching
EDUC 4345
Functions and Modeling
EDUC 4352
Collaborative Teaching and Inclusive Practices
EDUC 4353
Individualized Planning
EDUC 4354
Teaching Students with High and Low Incident Disabilities
EDUC 4355
Teaching Students with Low Incidence Disabilities
EDUC 4356
Behavior Management
EDUC 4362
Foundations of Bilingualism and Multiculturalism
EDUC 4363
Methods of Teaching in the Bilingual Classroom
EDUC 4368
Methods of Teaching in Secondary Schools
EDUC 4371
Teaching English Language Arts: Grades 7-12
EDUC 4372
Teaching Mathematics and Science in Elementary and Middle School
EDUC 4373
Teaching Language Arts and Social Studies in Elementary and Middle School
EDUC 4381
Clinical Teaching
EDUC 4382
Clinical Teaching Residency I
EDUC 4383
Clinical Teaching Residency II
EDUC 4387
Student Teaching: ESL
EDUC 4389
Selected Topics
EDUC 4391
Contract Study
EDUC 4681
Clinical Teaching
EDUC 4682
Clinical Teaching II
EDUC 4683
Teacher Residency I
EDUC 4684
Teacher Residency II
EDUC 4693
Teaching Internship I
EDUC 4694
Teaching Internship II