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2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
> ARTS - Arts
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ARTS - Arts
ARTS 1301
Art Appreciation
ARTS 1303
Art History Survey I
ARTS 1304
Art History Survey II
ARTS 1311
Two-Dimensional Design
ARTS 1312
3-D Design
ARTS 1316
Introduction To Drawing
ARTS 2310
Figure Composition
ARTS 2348
Digital Art
ARTS 2358
Graphic Art: Typography
ARTS 2368
Animation I
ARTS 2378
Introduction to Game Design
ARTS 3193
Installation Apprenticeship
ARTS 3301
Women Artists I
ARTS 3302
Women Artists: Part Ii
ARTS 3303
American Art I
ARTS 3305
Modern Hispanic Art & Foundations
ARTS 3306
Theoretical Approach To Art
ARTS 3307
Art History Study Abroad
ARTS 3310
Figure Composition II
ARTS 3311
Drawing For Non-Art Majors
ARTS 3320
Painting: Oil
ARTS 3323
Painting For Non-Art Majors
ARTS 3326
Digital Photography For Non-Art Majors
ARTS 3331
ARTS 3340
Ceramics For Non-Art Majors
ARTS 3341
Ceramic Form
ARTS 3342
Low-Fire Ceramics
ARTS 3346
Digital Photography Now
ARTS 3348
Graphic Design: Print
ARTS 3350
Relief Printmaking
ARTS 3351
ARTS 3355
Print and Design History
ARTS 3358
Digital Illustration
ARTS 3360
ARTS 3368
Digital 3D Modeling
ARTS 3378
Animation II
ARTS 3389
Selected Topics, Studio
ARTS 4300
Concepts In Modern Art
ARTS 4301
Art Since 1940
ARTS 4302
History Of African American Art
ARTS 4304
Arts Of 19th Century
ARTS 4305
History of Renaissance Art
ARTS 4310
Creative Drawing
ARTS 4311
Advanced Drawing I
ARTS 4312
Advanced Drawing II
ARTS 4320
Advanced Painting I
ARTS 4321
Advanced Painting II
ARTS 4330
Sculpture: The Human Form
ARTS 4333
Advanced Sculpture
ARTS 4335
New Media
ARTS 4336
Audio/Video Production
ARTS 4340
Medium To High Fire Ceramics
ARTS 4342
Clay and Glazes
ARTS 4344
Survey of World Ceramics
ARTS 4346
Advanced Photography
ARTS 4348
Graphic Design: Web
ARTS 4350
ARTS 4351
ARTS 4352
Advanced Printmaking I
ARTS 4353
Advanced Printmaking II
ARTS 4389
Selected Topics
ARTS 4391
Contract Study
ARTS 4392
ARTS 4393
BFA Seminar