
The mission of Graduate Studies is to support and advance high-quality graduate education. The Office of Graduate Studies promotes quality in all aspects of graduate education, provides administrative support for graduate programs, promotes the recruitment of qualified and diverse graduate students, encourages the development of new programs and the improvements of existing ones, advocates for financial and professional support for graduate students, develops graduate policies for consideration by the graduate council, and enforces approved policies that relate to graduate programs.
Graduate students at UT Permian Basin make up about 23% of the student body. Graduate students have a variety of objectives in their studies and are both full time students and students who hold jobs concurrently with part-time study. Graduate studies are often characterized by the faculty as more challenging and more enjoyable because students are studying in areas where they have particular interests. Both degree seeking and non-degree seeking students are goal directed.
The University's graduate programs are administered by the Dean of Graduate Studies and Associate Vice President of Research under the direction of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Graduate Council, comprised of elected graduate faculty from each college, is responsible for advising the Dean of Graduate Studies and Associate Vice President of Research regarding policies and procedures for graduate education.