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Graduate Studies Catalog
COUN - Counseling
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ACCT - Accountancy
BIOL - Biology
BLAW - Business Law
BUSI - Business
CHLD - Child and Family Studies
CJAD - Criminal Justice Admin
COSC - Computer Science
COUN - Counseling
COUN 6365
COUN 6366
COUN 6367
COUN 6370
COUN 6371
COUN 6372
COUN 6373
COUN 6374
COUN 6375
COUN 6376
COUN 6377
COUN 6378
COUN 6379
COUN 6380
COUN 6381
COUN 6382
COUN 6383
COUN 6384
COUN 6385
COUN 6387
COUN 6389
COUN 6391
COUN 6392
COUN 6393
COUN 6395
COUN 6399
ECON - Economics
EDBI - Education-Bilingual ESL
EDLD - Education-Educational Leadersh
EDUC - Education
ENGL - English
ENGR - Engineering
ENPM - Engineering Project Management
FINA - Finance
GEOL - Geology
HIST - History
KINE - Kinesiology
MATH - Mathematics
MENG - Mechanical Engineering
MNGT - Management
MPAL - Leadership
MRKT - Marketing
MTED - Math Education
PSYC - Psychology
SOWK - Social Work
SPAN - Spanish
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COUN 6365
Play Therapy Basics
COUN 6366
Advanced Play Therapy
COUN 6367
Sand Tray
COUN 6370
Life Span Development
COUN 6371
Professional Orientation and Ethics
COUN 6372
Counseling Theory
COUN 6373
Career Development and Counseling
COUN 6374
Assessment and Appraisal Strategies
COUN 6375
Advanced Abnormal Human Behavior
COUN 6376
Research Design in Education and the Social Sciences
COUN 6377
Counseling Techniques
COUN 6378
Group Theory and Practice
COUN 6379
Multicultural Counseling and Advocacy
COUN 6380
Addictions Counseling
COUN 6381
Trauma, Crisis, and Grief Counseling
COUN 6382
Couples and Family Counseling
COUN 6383
Child and Adolescent Counseling
COUN 6384
Consultation and Program Development
COUN 6385
Advanced Principles in School Counseling
COUN 6387
Advanced Diagnosis and Treatment
COUN 6389
Counseling Special Topics
COUN 6391
Practicum in Counseling
COUN 6392
Counseling Internship I
COUN 6393
Counseling Internship II
COUN 6395
Counseling Seminar
COUN 6399
Thesis - Counseling