University Related Student Travel

A. Use of Non-employee Students as Drivers is Prohibited

Student motor vehicle use and travel while engaged in University-related activities present special risk issues. Because students are not employees, motor vehicles cannot be rented for their use pursuant to the State rental car contracts and no coverage for personal injuries is available to them if they drive University-owned or their personal vehicles. Therefore, it is required that students who are also not employees of the University not be used as drivers, nor should they be asked or required to use their personal vehicles to engage in University-related activities.

Guidelines for Using Students as Driver

  1. Students who drive on behalf of the University must be on the Payroll.
    1. Students who are regularly or frequently being called upon to drive on behalf of the University should be appointed as employees by the requesting department or unit.
    2. Student-employees who frequently drive University vehicles while on University-related activities should be "authorized" in the same manner as any other employee who regularly drives for the University, i.e. they should have a current Motor Vehicle Record on file with the Physical Plant Department.
    3. The hiring department should also verify that the student/employees who drive have health insurance coverage of some kind.

B. Guidelines for Occasions When Students are Passengers in Motor Vehicles Involved in University-related Activities

  1. Verify health insurance coverage for all students who are to be passengers in vehicles driven on University-related activities.
  2. If verification of coverage is not provided, Special Events medical insurance should be purchased by each passenger prior to the trip (see the Office of Student Life).
  3. Purchase of Personal Injury and Personal Effects Insurance.
  4. When rental vehicles are used to transport students, the personal injury and personal effects insurance should be purchased as a part of the vehicle rental agreement. This is particularly important where vans are rented to transport large numbers of students in a single vehicle.

C. Guideline Concerning Student releases and Medical Authorizations

Each student who travels by motor vehicle (or any other form of transportation) to participate in a University-related activity including, but not limited to, academically related field trips or courses, competitions or contests or non-academic activities such as those sponsored by Recreational Sports, must execute a copy of the Release and Indemnification Agreement and The Authorization for Emergency Medical Treatment.

D. Guidelines Concerning Use of Personal Vehicles by Students

  1. Use of personal vehicles by students to drive to University-related activities is discouraged.
  2. If students use their own vehicles, and/or transport other students as passengers, they should be informed, in advance, that their personal insurance would be primarily responsible for any liability that may arise from such use.
  3. The enforcement of Texas vehicle inspection laws may occur for vehicles parking or driving on the campus.

E. Guidelines Concerning Safe Travel Practices

Each administrative unit approving University-related travel, especially that involves students, is encouraged to promulgate Guidelines that encourage safe driving and minimize risks of injury during that travel (Texas Education Code, Section 51.950)