Appropriate Catalog

Appropriate Catalog

Students may obtain a degree according to the course requirements of the Catalog in effect at the time of admission to the University (so long as the courses required for the degree are still offered by the University) or of the course requirements of a later catalog in effect during the period of enrollment. This option shall be available for a six year period dating from the time of the initial admission of the student to the University. If a student drops out for two or more semesters and returns to UT Permian Basin as a former student, they must use the catalog in effect at the time of re-entrance, thereby beginning a new six-year time limit. This regulation applies to degree requirements, but not to operating regulations and procedures. A student who transfers to UT Permian Basin from a Texas public community college may select to graduate according to the degree requirements of the catalog in effect at the time of admission to the community college or of a catalog in effect during the period of enrollment at the community college or the catalog in effect when the students entered U. T. Permian Basin. If the student drops out of the community college for two or more long semesters, the catalog requirements in effect at the time of readmission to the community college would be the earliest catalog the student could select to follow. Whichever catalog a student ultimately chooses applies in its entirety to all degree requirements, including those applying to the major, minor, and general education requirements, total hour and upper level requirements.

Catalog Authority

The catalog of the University is the document of authority for all students and becomes effective the first day of the fall semester of which it is published. Any academic unit may issue additional or more specific information that is consistent with approved policy. The information in the catalog supersedes that issued by any other unit if there is a conflict between the two.

Catalog Updates

The Undergraduate Catalog and the Graduate Catalog are revised annually. The University reserves the right to change the requirements given in a catalog at any time; however, most changes generally will not be effectual until the start of the next academic year.

Course Descriptions

Course descriptions in the University Catalog is correct at the time of publication; students should refer to the course syllabus for additional information about a specific course.

Catalog Approval and Availability

All curricular requirements, standards, and rules presented in the Undergraduate Catalog must be documented as having gone through the appropriate policy-making/amending and approval procedures as defined in the UT Permian Basin Handbook of Operating Procedures and the Academic Affairs Handbook. New or amended courses, curricula, and academic policies and regulations concerning undergraduate education become effective and are incorporated into the Undergraduate Catalog upon review and approval by the respective academic departments and colleges (if applicable), the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, the Faculty Senate, the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and, if required, the President, the UT System Board of Regents, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges. The Undergraduate Catalog is maintained by the Office of the Registrar which ensures that the catalog accurately represents the programs and services of the institution.

The undergraduate catalog is published annually in a digital format. Once the new catalog is published online, the previous year catalog is archived and can be accessed via the Registrar's page. Archived copies of catalogs from 1999 to the most recent archived year can be accessed at Prior to 1999 the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs were combined into a single document. Information found in undergraduate catalogs dating before 1999, can be obtained by contacting the Registrar's Office or 432-552-2635.