Field of Study

Business Field of Study

Designated Core Courses in the Field of Study (6 SCH):
ECON 2301 – Principles of Macroeconomics
MATH 1324 – Mathematics for Business & Social Sciences

Discipline Foundation Courses (12 SCH):
ECON 2302 – Principles of Microeconomics
ACCT 2301 – Principles of Financial Accounting
ACCT 2302 – Principles of Managerial Accounting
BUSI 1301 – Business Principles

Directed Electives (6 SCH)
The list below includes the directed electives that will be accepted by the general academic teaching institution for students transferring.  These are the approved CIP Codes (numerical codes corresponding to specific disciplines or subdisciplines) for the Revised Field of Study:

52.0201 – Business Administration and Management, General
52.0101 – Business/Commerce, General
52.0301 – Accounting
52.0801 – Finance, General
52.1401 – Marketing/Marketing Management, General

UT Permian Basin Specific Electives

BUSI 2305 - Business Statistics, 3 SCH

BCIS 1305 - Business Computer Applications, 3 SCH


Nursing Field of Study

Designated Core Courses in the Field of Study:

PSYC 2301 – General Psychology

ENGL 1301 – Composition I

ENGL 1302 – Composition II

MATH 1342 – Elementary Statistical Methods

BIOL 2401/2301+2101 – Anatomy & Physiology I

BIOL 2402/2302+2102 – Anatomy & Physiology II


Discipline Foundation Courses (12 SCH):

PSYC 2314 – Lifespan Growth & Development

BIOL 2420/2320+2120 – Microbiology for Non-Science Majors

BIOL 1322/HECO 1322 – Nutrition & Diet Therapy


Directed Electives (2 courses: 6 SCH/8 SCH):

ENGL 2311 – Technical & Business Writing, 3 SCH

SOCI 2319 – Minority Studies, 3 SCH

HUMA 2319 – American Minority Studies, 3 SCH



Political Science Field of Study

Designated Core Courses in the Field of Study:

Discipline Foundation Courses (12 SCH):
MATH 1342 - Elementary Statistical Methods
GOVT 2304 - Introduction to Political Science
GOVT 2305 - Federal Government (Federal Constitution & Topics)
GOVT 2306 - Texas Government (Texas Constitution & Topics)

Directed Electives (2 courses: 6 SCH/8 SCH):
GOVT 2311 - Mexican American Politics, 3 SCH
ECON 2301 - Principles of Macroeconomics, 3 SCH


Psychology Field of Study

Designated Core Courses in the Field of Study:
PSYC 2301 – General Psychology


Discipline Foundation Courses (12 SCH):
PSYC 2314 – Lifespan Growth & Development

PSYC 2317 – Statistical Methods in Psychology

PSYC 2319 – Social Psychology


Directed Electives (2 courses: 6 SCH/8 SCH):
PSYC 2320 – Abnormal Psychology, 3 SCH

PSYC 2306 – Human Sexuality, 3 SCH


Social Work Field of Study

Designated Core Courses in the Field of Study (6 SCH):
ENGL 1301 – Composition I
ENGL 1302 – Composition II

Discipline Foundation Courses (12 SCH):
SOCW 2361 – Introduction to Social Work
SOCW 2362 – Social Welfare: Legislation, Programs, and Services
SOCW 2389 – Academic Cooperative
SOCI 1306 – Social Problems

Directed Electives (6 SCH):
BIOL 1308 – Biology for Non-Science Majors I, 3 SCH
BIOL 1309 – Biology for Non-Science Majors II, 3 SCH


Sociology Field of Study

Designated Core Courses in the Field of Study (3 SCH):
SOCI 1301 - Introduction to Sociology

Discipline Foundation Courses (9 SCH):
SOCI 1306 - Social Problems
SOCI 2301 - Marriage and Family
SOCI 2319 - Minority Studies

Directed Electives (9 SCH):
SOCI 2326 - Social Psychology, 3 SCH
SOCI 2336 - Criminology, 3 SCH SOCI 2340 - Drug Use & Abuse, 3 SCH