Teacher Certification

Undergraduate Certification while earning a BA or BS Degree

Undergraduates seeking teacher certification earn their bachelor's degree while also completing the requirements for certification. Students typically complete an Education major, or a disciplinary major and supporting minor, and should consult with faculty members in those disciplines for help in planning a program of study.

Post-Bachelors Certification

Individuals already holding a bachelor's degree and desiring to become certified to teach may be eligible to enroll in the post-bachelors or alternative "Fast Track" certification program. Information about the post-bachelors program is available on the College of Education's web site and from the Educator Program Services (EPS) Office.

Requirements for Certification

Persons entering the program under this catalog who intend to receive traditional teacher certification through UT Permian Basin must meet the following requirements:

  • Apply and be admitted to the Teacher Preparation Program.
  • Complete specified course work in the teaching field with a GPA of 2.50 or higher.
  • Complete all course work used to satisfy certification requirements with no grade below a "C".
  • Successfully complete clinical teaching or teaching internship requirements.
  • Pass state examinations of pedagogy and teaching specializations if having a GPA of less than 2.5 or less than 12 hours in the field for certification. Students seeking to take such examinations must, prior to issuance of approval, meet university guidelines for eligibility.
  • Complete a bachelor's degree in an approved area. The overall GPA must meet Texas Education Agency standards in effect at the time of a candidate's admission to the preparation program.

Candidates for certification must be free of felony or misdemeanor convictions for any crime directly related to the duties and responsibilities of the teaching profession. A candidate with a conviction should consult the Certification Officer regarding his or her eligibility to enter or continue in the program. Prior to field experience, clinical teaching, and employment as an educator, candidates must undergo a criminal history background check.

Admission to the Teacher Preparation Program

Students must be formally admitted to the teacher preparation program to take education courses beyond the introductory level. These admission criteria are required of applicants, effective Spring 2017:

  • Completed ≥ 45 semester credit hours (includes transfer and UT Permian Basin courses).
  • GPA ≥ 2.50 overall or on last 60 credit hours (includes transfer and UT Permian Basin courses).
  • All TSI requirements met.
  • Earned ≥ 12 SCH in the intended content area (≥ 15 SCH for grades 4-8 or 7-12 math or science).
  • Certification plan and degree plan filed with the Certification Office.
  • Complete an interview or a focused essay, as directed by the program.
  • Create an application to the teacher certification program in our Tk20 portal.

Readmission Policy

Certification students who have been inactive for two or more successive long semesters must have their certification plan reevaluated, and may be required to apply for readmission to the program.

Maximum Age of Education Courses

The maximum age of education courses to be used for certification purposes is five years. Courses more than five years old must have written approval of the Dean.