Dropping Courses
Dropping courses should not be confused with withdrawing from all courses. In courses taught on a conventional basis, a student may drop the course on or before the last day of the 10th week of classes. Students should consult the academic calendar for the last day to drop. Students may drop courses without permission of the instructor before the census date of the semester they are enrolled in. Students should refer to the course schedule for census date information.
Students must obtain the signature of the instructor whose course they are dropping if they drop the course after the census date and the last day to drop classes as given on the academic calendar for each fall and spring semester. Students may drop a class after the last date to drop only with permission of their Dean, Department Chair, and Academic Advisor.
The student must submit all requests to drop a course in writing to the Office of the Registrar. Faculty, relatives, or friends may not drop or add courses for a student. Drop forms must be completed at the Office of the Registrar prior to the end of the last day to drop. Failure to drop a class which is not being attended will result in a failing grade on the academic record. Students enrolling late in a course should not expect special make-up assistance from the instructor.
Six Drop Rule
Students who enrolled in a Texas public institution of higher education as first-time freshmen in Fall 2007 and thereafter are not permitted to drop more than six course during their entire undergraduate career, (Texas Administrative Code 4.10) unless they show good cause (i.e. severe illness, death of a family member, or active military duty.) This limit includes all transfer work taken at other institutions of higher education. Any courses dropped prior to the census class day will not be considered attempted hours.