Spanish Language and Culture Certificate

The purpose of the Spanish Certificate is to prepare students who wish to gain a fair command of the Spanish language and understand the culture of the Spanish-speaking world. This certificate is appropriate for students with studies in an area related to the use of the Spanish language. Students who complete this certificate will be able to use the language for communication with Spanish-speaking colleagues or customers. Students could include the Certificate on their resume indicating a conversational level of Spanish language proficiency. The Certificate helps highlight to employers both in the U.S. and in other countries a students' Spanish language ability and communication skills.


  1. Intermediate level of proficiency. Students wishing to pursue a Certificate in Spanish must satisfy the intermediate language requirement: SPAN 2311 and SPAN 2312. Students may also meet this requirement by passing a CLEP test at the approved level.
  2. Three (3) 3000-level courses one of which must be SPAN 3321. Courses must be taken for a letter grade, (grade cannot be Pass/Fail or below a C). At the discretion of the Spanish Program Representatives, students who study abroad during the academic year (including the summer) may count one pre-approved course towards the certificate.
  3. An average grade of "C" or above is required across all three courses.
  4. Students who decide to continue Spanish studies to pursue a minor or a major in Spanish, will not be granted the Certificate.